
A003 Survey on Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to Cope with Natural Disasters caused by Climate Change in the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (2011 – 2012)

Client: National Hydro-Meteorological Service (NHMS)
Survey Items:

  • Construction of Meteorological Radar Tower Buildings at at Phu Lien and Vinh
  • S-Band Doppler Pulse Compression Solid State Radar Systems
  • Meteorological Radar Data Display System
  • GTS Message Switch System
  • 25 Automatic Weather Observation Systems
  • 18 Rainfall Observation Systems
  • Meteorological Data Satellite Communication Systems (VSAT)
  • Wind Profiler System

C004 The Project for National Disaster Management Plan in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (Subcontracted) (2010 – 2011)

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Counterpart: Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD)

Major Activities:

  • Review and consideration of a pathway of conveying disaster information and means of communication
  • Consideration of system and equipment required for Multi-Hazard Early Warning System
  • Making draft plans of Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (5 priority level, totally 15 plans)

C002 Technical Cooperation Project for the Meteorological and Hydrological Services Improvement in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Subcontracted) (2008 – 2011)

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Counterpart: Counterpart: Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH), Lao P.D.R.

Major Activities::

  • Development of an operation and maintenance manual for a weather radar system
  • Training on the operation and maintenance of a weather radar system
  • Development of guidelines for data collection and processing
  • Rehabilitation of observation equipment of the existing meteorological and hydrological stations
  • Training on data collection and processing for DMH and provincial staff
  • Training on analysis and forecasting of meteorological and hydrological conditions
  • Training on analysis of weather radar data for aviation weather
  • Implementation of meteorological and hydrological information sharing seminars among related Ministries and organizations
  • Development of a new web page to provide meteorological and hydrological information

A002 Preparatory Survey Ⅱ on the Project for Improving the Weather Forecasting System and Meteorological Warning Facilities in the Independent State of Samoa (2009 – 2010)

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Survey Items:

  • 2 Airport Weather Observation Systems (AWOS)
  • Airport Weather Observation Data Monitoring System
  • 7 Automatic Weather Systems (AWS)
  • Automatic Weather Observation Data Monitoring System
  • Instruments for calibration of Airport Weather Observation System (AWOS) and Automatic
  • Weather Systems (AWS)
  • Meteorological Data Communication System
  • Observation Data Management System
  • GTS Message Switch System
  • Meteorological Satellite Data Receiving System
  • Forecast Support System
  • Early Warning System
  • Power Back-up System
  • Wind Profiler System
  • Construction of buildings for Power Back-up System, Equipment, Concrete Shelter and Foundation of Wind Profiler System

C001 The Project of Japan-China Cooperation Center for Meteorological Disasters (2007 – 2009)

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Counterpart: Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, China Meteorological Administration

Major Activities:

  • Survey on function and capability of meteorological observation equipment for the project (24 GPS measurement instruments of precipitation water, 2 GPS data analysis software, 7 automatic weather observation systems, 5 GPS sonde system, 1 wind profiler, 3 observation systems for atmospheric boundary layer, 1 observation equipment for the surface of the lake)
  • Preparing specification for procurement of meteorological equipment
  • Evaluation of proposal written by bidder
  • Inspection of procured equipment

A001 Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improving the Weather Forecasting System and Meteorological Warning Facilities in the Independent State of Samoa (2009)

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Survey Items:
Understanding the Samoa Meteorology Division’s capability on the operation and maintenance of meteorological systems and facilities and the identification of the SMD’s need and eligibility for grant aid

B001 Project for Improvement of the Meteorological Radar System at Cox’s Bazar and Khepupara in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Phase-I and Phase-II (2006 – 2008)

Client: Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD)

Major Components:

  • Construction of Meteorological Radar Tower Buildings at Cox’s Bazar and Khepupara (Height of Cox’s Bazar tower: approx. 24m; and, Khepupara tower: approx. 33m)
  • S-Band Doppler Radar Systems
  • Radar Composite Imagery System at the Dhaka Head Office
  • Meteorological Satellite Data Receiving System and Meteorological Data Satellite Communication Systems (VSAT)