
B006 Project for Establishment of Disastrous Weather Monitoring System (PhaseⅡ) in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2013 – 2016)

Client: Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH), Myanmar

Major Components:

  • 35 Automatic Weather Observation Systems (AWS)
  • Radar Composite Imagery System at Nay Pyi Taw Head Office (Multi-Hazard Early Warning Center)
  • Meteorological Data Management Unit at Yangon Meteorological Radar Observation Station

B004 Project for Improvement of Equipment and Facilities on Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (2014 – 2016)

Client: Department of Meteorology and Hydrology (DMH), Lao P.D.R.

Major Components:

  • 18 Automatic Weather Observation Systems + Meteorological Data Encoding PCs at the existing synoptic observatories
  • 8 Automatic Water Level + Rainfall Observation Systems
  • Automatic Weather Observation Data Management System (including 2 sets of Portable Data Comparison & Maintenance Tools and 1 set of Data Comparison & Maintenance Tools (Standard Devices) for DMH Maintenance Teams to be organized at the Vientiane Head Office)
  • Automatic Water Level + Rainfall Observation Data Management System (including Portable Maintenance Tools for DMH Maintenance Team to be organized at the Vientiane Head Office: 1 set)
  • GTS Message Switch System and World Meteorological Organization Information System (WIS) at the Vientiane Head Office
  • High Resolution Meteorological Satellite (HIMAWARI) Data Receiving System at the Vientiane Head Office

A017 Project for Establishment of Meteorological Radar System in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (2016)

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Survey Items:

  • Construction of Meteorological Radar Tower Building at Puttalam and Pottuvil
  • C-Band Pulse Compression Solid State Dual Polarization (Polarmetric) Meteorological Doppler Radar Systems
  • Meteorological Data Satellite Communication Systems (VSAT)
  • Meteorological Radar Central Processing System including Radar Composite Imagery System and Meteorological Radar Data Display System at the Colombo Head Office

C005 Technical Cooperation Programme for Improving the Weather Forecasting System and Meteorological Warning Facilities in the Independent State of Samoa (2012 – 2015)

Client: Japan International Cooperation System (JICS)

Counterpart: Samoa Meteorology Division (SMD)

Major Activities:

  • Training on countermeasures, fault finding, remedy and recovery against abnormal conditions
  • Preparation of the equipment manual summary and the maintenance & management of the record book for observation instruments and data communication equipment
  • Preparation of the consumables & spare parts list including technical specifications and detailed procurement plan
  • Formulation of observation rules, standardized beau fort and cloud level
  • Establishment of an automated formula for calculating station pressure, sea level pressure, relative humidity, vapor pressure and dew-point temperature
  • Development of short term weather forecast guidance (24hour, 48hour and 72hour ahead) utilizing the observed data as well as Point Forecast Guidance
  • Creation of television and internet weather products
  • Establishment of a responsive website page
  • Creation of animation on “Tropical Cyclone” and “Climate Change” to promote further understanding by pupils, students and the general public
  • Implementation of Open School for primary school students of years 1 to 8 and 9 to 13 to understand the nature of weather & climate and the impact of Climate Change
  • Formulation of aviation weather services cost recovery and policy making

A010 Preparatory Survey on Project for Establishment of the Meteorological Radar System in Dhaka and Rangpur in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (2014 – 2015)

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Survey Items:

  • Construction of Meteorological Radar Tower Buildings at Dhaka and Rangpur
  • S-Band Doppler Pulse Compression Solid State Radar Systems
  • Meteorological Data Satellite Communication Systems (VSAT)

A016 Basic Needs Study for Meteorological Radar System in the Caribbean States (2015)

Client:  Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Understanding the current status of meteorological equipment maintenance in Caribbean community countries

  • Collection, organization, and analysis of information related to the maintenance status of weather-related equipment such as weather radar
  • Conducted a questionnaire to 14 countries and 1 region of the Caribbean Community and the Dominican Republic meteorological organization

Understanding the needs of meteorological equipment in Caribbean community countries (field survey)

  • Conducting information gathering surveys and discussions between the Caribbean Meteorological Organizations and the meteorological organizations of each country, targeting the three countries of Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica and the Bahamas.

A006 Preparatory Survey on the Project for Improvement of Equipment and Facilities on Meteorological and Hydrological Services in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (2013 – 2014)

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Survey Items:

  • 18 Automatic Weather Observation Systems
  • 18 Meteorological Data Encoding PCs at the existing synoptic observatories
  • Automatic Weather Observation Data Management System at the Vientiane Head Office
  • 8 Automatic Water Level + Rainfall Observation Systems
  • Automatic Water Level + Rainfall Observation Data Management System at the Vientiane
  • GTS Message Switch System and World Meteorological Organization Information System (WIS) at the Vientiane Head Office
  • High Resolution Meteorological Satellite (HIMAWARI) Data Receiving System at the Vientiane Head Office)

C007 Programme for the Improvement of Capabilities to cope with Natural Disasters caused by Climate Change for the Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho (2012 – 2014)

Client: Japan International Cooperation System (JICS)

Counterpart: Samoa Meteorology Division (SMD)

Major Activities::

  • Preparing AWS manual summary, maintenance & management record book and AWS operation and maintenance manual of AWS supported by the project
  • Training of maintenance and management of equipment