C008 Technical Cooperation Project for Improving of Meteorological Observation, Weather Forecasting and Dissemination in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (2014 – 2017)

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Counterpart: Department of Meteorology (DOM), Sri Lanka

Major Activities:

  • Establishment of the traceability of meteorological instruments
  • Training on the calibration of conventional and AWS equipment
  • Training on the inspection and repair of the AWS
  • Replacement of the existing GTS Message Switching System
  • Training on the development of short range (every 12 hours precipitation up to 36 hours ahead) and weekly (7 days ahead) weather forecast guidance and verification
  • Production of short range (every 12 hours precipitation up to 36 hours ahead) and weekly (7 days ahead) weather forecast guidance at the selected stations
  • Production of Weather Forecast Guidance
  • Production of weather forecast guidance of sea wind at the selected stations
  • Training on the improvement of weather forecasting operation through the integration of various data
  • Improvement of Warning criteria
  • Improvement of the contents of meteorological information and Website
  • Production of responsible website so that users can visit website by PC, smartphone, tablet etc.
  • Production of beau fort scale of wind force (land version, 3 languages)
  • Technical training for illustration using power point
  • Creation of educational animation “Save Yourself” on climate, thunder, tornado and heavy rain in Sri Lanka in English, Singhalese and Tamil


A017 Project for Establishment of Meteorological Radar System in the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (2016)

Client: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

Survey Items:

  • Construction of Meteorological Radar Tower Building at Puttalam and Pottuvil
  • C-Band Pulse Compression Solid State Dual Polarization (Polarmetric) Meteorological Doppler Radar Systems
  • Meteorological Data Satellite Communication Systems (VSAT)
  • Meteorological Radar Central Processing System including Radar Composite Imagery System and Meteorological Radar Data Display System at the Colombo Head Office